United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
Hilton Omaha, 1001 Cass St, Omaha, NE 68102
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.omaha.com/news/local/u-s-supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-scheduled-to/article_1b632f00-bf6b-52f6-8a56-ff8291a801e3.html |
2 | Registration Info | The event is not open to the public. |
The Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation
Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20540
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://wwd.com/eye/people/dvf-awards-to-honor-u-s-supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-1203458313/ |
Dwight D. Opperman Foundation
Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20540
Hat Tip
Tony Mauro
American Bar Association
Georgetown University Law Center Hart Auditorium, 600 New Jersey Ave, NW, Washington, D.C. 20001
Hat Tip
Richard Wolf
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2020/02/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-to-discuss-19th-amendment-at-aba-eve/ |
World Jurist Association and the World Law Foundation
American Bar Association, 1050 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20036
Hat Tip
Richard Wolf
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Other Source | Event page attached. |
2 | Recap Page | https://edition.cnn.com/2020/02/07/politics/ruth-bader-ginsburg-senate-partisan-polarization/index.html |
New York City Bar Association
New York City Bar Association, 42 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.law.com/newyorklawjournal/2020/01/31/ruth-bader-ginsburg-to-appear-at-nyc-bars-musical-comedy/ |
2 | Registration Info | The event is sold out, but there is a waiting list: https://services.nycbar.org/EventDetail?EventKey=ENT020719 |
Duke University School of Law
Offices of Duke in D.C., 1201 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004
Hat Tip
Karen Sloan
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Registration Info | The event agenda is attached. |
Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation
Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20540
Hat Tip
Jess Bravin
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.lbjlibrary.org/press/lbj-foundation-honors-ruth-bader-ginsburg |
The Association of American Law Schools
Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, 2660 Woodley Rd NW, Washington, DC 20008
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://memberaccess.aals.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?webcode=SesDetails&ses_key=FC04D513-12F7-4AB5-8A3C-1E3FBFA53C59 |
2 | Event Page | https://am.aals.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2019/12/am2020_mainProgram.pdf |
3 | Recap Page | https://www.law.com/2020/01/06/justice-or-rock-star-law-profs-go-wild-for-ginsburg/ |
The National Museum of American Jewish History
The National Museum of American Jewish History, 101 South Independence Mall East, Philadelphia, PA 19106-2517
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://info.nmajh.org/CalendarEvent.aspx?eventid=707 |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.inquirer.com/news/rbg-ruth-bader-ginsburg-philly-supreme-court-justice-jewish-history-museum-award-20191220.html |
3 | Registration Info | The event is sold out. |
National Constitution Center
National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://14948p.blackbaudhosting.com/14948p/tickets?tab=2&txobjid=04deba1c-08bd-4411-b4a9-49d8e22a72a5 |
2 | Registration Info | Ticket prices vary for members and non-members, and can be purchased here: https://14948p.blackbaudhosting.com/14948p/page.aspx?pid=196&tab=2&txobjid=04deba1c-08bd-4411-b4a9-49d8e22a72a5 |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fylRqu39cd0 |
The Berggruen Institute
New York Public Library, 476 5th Ave, New York, NY 10018
The Kennedy Center
The REACH at the Kennedy Center, 2700 F Street, NW, Washington, DC 20566
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/event/EUAMB |
2 | Registration Info | This is a FREE event, and tickets are required. The line for the ticket giveaway will form on Sunday, November 10 at the REACH. Patrons must be in line to receive tickets. Tickets will be distributed, up to two (2) per person. Tickets are general admission. Limited seating availability. |
3 | Video | https://www.facebook.com/National.Symphony/videos/407847699910718/ |
Georgetown Law
Hart Auditorium, 600 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001
Hat Tip
Adam Liptak
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.law.georgetown.edu/news/president-bill-clinton-and-hillary-clinton-to-join-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-for-georgetown-laws-annual-ginsburg-lecture/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/30/us/politics/ruth-bader-ginsburg-clintons.html |
3 | Registration Info | In order to accommodate as many students as possible for this event, space for media will be extremely limited. Members of the media wishing to request in-person attendance must contact mediarelations@law.georgetown.edu. |
UC Berkeley Law
Zellerbach Hall, 101 Zellerbach Hall #4800, Berkeley, CA 94720
Hat Tip
Sam Lim, Jess Bravin
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.law.berkeley.edu/news/livestream-justice-ginsburg/ |
2 | Other Source | This event has been confirmed by Berkeley Law's communications office. |
3 | Recap Page | https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-gives-inaugural-herma-hill-kay-memorial-lecture |
4 | Registration Info | All students are invited to attend. Because of security issues and limited space, an RSVP is required in order to attend. |
5 | Tweet | https://twitter.com/BerkeleyLaw/status/1185296285622046721 |
6 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBWJK_DlNTo |
Amherst College
Johnson Chapel, 11 Quadrangle Drive, Amherst, MA 01002
Hat Tip
Greg Stohr
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.amherst.edu/amherst-story/president/statements/node/749935 |
2 | Event Page | https://www.amherst.edu/news/campus_community_events/talk-by-ruth-bader-ginsburg |
3 | Recap Page | https://edition.cnn.com/2019/10/03/politics/ruth-bader-ginsburg-justice-us-history-aberration/index.html |
4 | Registration Info | This free event is open to Amherst College students, faculty and staff. Due to limited seating capacity, no public or guest tickets will be available. |
American University Washington College of Law
American University Washington College of Law, 4300 Nebraska Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.wcl.american.edu/news-events/events/detail/8004/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.wcl.american.edu/news-events/news/colleagues-and-friends-of-professor-herman-schwartz-celebrate-his-lasting-contributions-to-the-rule-of-law/ |
The Prevent Cancer Foundation
Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20540
Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The Ronald Reagan Institute
Library of Congress - Thomas Jefferson Building, 10 First St SE, Washington, DC 20540
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.reaganfoundation.org/media/355064/soc-agenda-920.pdf |
2 | Event Page | https://www.reaganfoundation.org/reagan-institute/events/celebrating-justice-sandra-day-oconnor/ |
3 | Recap Page | https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/oconnor-recalled-as-collegial-while-sotomayor-working-on-it |
4 | Registration Info | Registration information is here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-bridge-builder-and-trailblazer-celebrating-justice-sandra-day-oconnor-tickets-69217277741?aff=Website |
5 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S905zVUZ5g0 |
Meredith College
Meymandi Concert Hall, Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts, 2 E South St, Raleigh, NC 27601
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.meredith.edu/news/meredith-college-to-welcome-ruth-bader-ginsburg-september-23 |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article235316837.html |
3 | Registration Info | Seating is limited and only open to those with tickets. All tickets will be free, but tickets will be required. Ticket distribution will be through Meredith College only. |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5Amfcu2vAA |
92nd Street Y
Kaufmann Concert Hall, 1395 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10128
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.92y.org/event/ruth-bader-ginsburg |
2 | Registration Info | Tickets are sold out but a waiting list is available: https://www.92y.org/event/ruth-bader-ginsburg |
3 | Video | https://livestream.com/92Y/events/8818362/videos/196634647 |
Moment Magazine
The Yale Club, 50 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://momentmag.com/event/events/ |
2 | Registration Info | Call 202-363-6422 or email jraskin@momentmag.com for tickets. |
Georgetown Law
Hart Auditorium, 600 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001
Hat Tip
Greg Stohr
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.law.georgetown.edu/news/justice-ginsburg-to-address-to-new-georgetown-law-students/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.law.georgetown.edu/news/supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-welcomes-1ls/ |
3 | Registration Info | Space is limited. To request attendance, media must RSVP to: mediarelations@law.georgetown.edu. |
4 | Video | https://www.facebook.com/georgetownlaw/videos/2325195750861807/ |
University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy
Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts, 915 E 60th St, Chicago, IL 60637
Hat Tip
Kimberly Robinson
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://news.uchicago.edu/story/us-supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-speak-university-chicago-sept-9 |
2 | Recap Page | https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/not-always-easy-being-rbg-ginsburg-jokes-about-celebrity |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8L4peUuDU8 |
Cedille Records
Venue SIX10 at the Spertus Institute, 610 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60605
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.cedillerecords.org/soiree-cedille-2019 |
The Clinton Foundation and the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service
Verizon Arena, 1 Verizon Arena Way, North Little Rock, AR 72114
Hat Tip
Jess Bravin
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://arktimes.com/arkansas-blog/2019/07/09/supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-to-speak-in-little-rock |
2 | Event Page | https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kumpuris-lecture-with-the-honorable-ruth-bader-ginsburg-tickets-64309951797 |
3 | Event Page | https://www.clintonfoundation.org/get-involved/take-action/attend-an-event/kumpuris-lecture-honorable-ruth-bader-ginsburg |
4 | Recap Page | https://www.sfgate.com/news/us/article/Ginsburg-Work-on-court-saved-me-during-cancer-14411793.php#item-85307-tbla-3 |
5 | Recap Page | https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/03/ruth-bader-ginsburg-court-1479994 |
6 | Registration Info | Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kumpuris-lecture-with-the-honorable-ruth-bader-ginsburg-tickets-64309951797 |
The Library of Congress
The Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mt Vernon Pl NW, Washington, DC 20001
Hat Tip
Tony Mauro
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://loc.gov/item/prn-19-051/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/31/us/politics/ruth-bader-ginsburg.html |
3 | Registration Info | The event is free and open to the public: https://loc.gov/events/2019-national-book-festival/about-this-event/festival-information/ |
University at Buffalo School of Law
Kleinhans Music Hall, 3 Symphony Cir, Buffalo, NY 14201
Hat Tip
Tony Mauro
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.buffalo.edu/news/releases/2019/05/005.html |
2 | Registration Info | "Event and ticket information for the evening program at Kleinhans Music Hall will be announced at a later date." |
3 | Transcript | https://www.supremecourt.gov/publicinfo/speeches/Buffalo%20Honorary%20Degree%20Remarks%20August%202019.pdf |
The Glimmerglass Festival
The Glimmerglass Festival, 7300 NY-80, Cooperstown, NY 13326
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://glimmerglass.org/2018/11/supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-to-speak-at-the-glimmerglass-festival-in-2019/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.newyorkupstate.com/news/2019/07/ruth-bader-ginsburg-talks-opera-and-justice-at-glimmerglass-festival.html |
3 | Registration Info | Tickets to this event are currently available to subscribers. Tickets will go on sale to the general public January 28, 2019. |
Duke Law School D.C. Summer Institute on Law and Policy
Jones Day, 51 Louisiana Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Recap Page | https://law.duke.edu/news/justice-ginsburg-reflects-longevity-court-collegiality-and-dysfunction-confirmation-process/ |
2 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRjGoX-ZrQo |
Georgetown Law Supreme Court Institute
Hart Auditorium, 600 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
Hat Tip
Andrew Hamm
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.law.georgetown.edu/news/u-s-supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-and-experts-to-discuss-her-legacy-on-gender-equality-at-georgetown-law/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.courthousenews.com/ginsburg-reflects-on-strides-for-womens-rights/ |
3 | Registration Info | Space is limited. Media must RSVP to mediarelations@law.georgetown.edu. |
4 | Video | https://www.c-span.org/video/?462231-1/justice-ginsburg-georgetown-university-law-center |
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Stephen Breyer
Shakespeare Theatre Company
Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St NW, Washington, DC 20004
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.shakespearetheatre.org/events/mock-trial-oresteia/ |
2 | Video | https://www.c-span.org/video/?462003-1/justices-breyer-ginsburg-participate-the-oresteia-mock-trial |
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Mohonk Mountain House, 1000 Mountain Rest Rd, New Paltz, NY 12561
Lund University
Svea Court of Appeal, Birger Jarls torg 16, 111 28 Stockholm, Sweden
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Recap Page | https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/ruth-bader-ginsburg-receives-jubilee-honorary-doctorate |
92nd Street Y
Kaufmann Concert Hall, 92Y, 1395 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10128
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.92y.org/event/ruth-bader-ginsburg |
2 | Registration Info | Join the waitlist here: https://www.92y.org/event/ruth-bader-ginsburg |
Skirball Cultural Center
Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 N Sepulveda Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90049
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.skirball.org/programs/words-and-ideas/canceled-evening-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg |
Museum of the City of New York
Hosack Hall at the New York Academy of Medicine, 1216 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10029
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://mcny.org/ginsburg |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.newsday.com/news/new-york/ruth-bader-ginsburg-manhattan-1.24624454 |
3 | Registration Info | Registration opens to the general public on Tuesday, October 2 at 12:00 pm. Museum members have early access. |
National Archives Museum
National Archives Museum, 701 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20408
National Archives Museum
National Archives Museum, 701 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20408
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Recap Page | https://variety.com/2018/politics/news/ruth-bader-ginsburg-on-the-basis-of-sex-1203087879/ |
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
United States Courthouse, Ceremonial Courtroom, 333 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20001
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.flannerylecture.com/ |
Georgetown University Law Center
Hart Auditorium, 600 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.law.georgetown.edu/news/justice-ginsburg-to-deliver-lecture-to-new-georgetown-law-students/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://fortune.com/2018/09/27/ruth-bader-ginsburg-metoo-kavanaugh/ |
3 | Video | https://www.facebook.com/georgetownlaw/videos/635465070183577/ |
Columbia Law School
Alfred Lerner Hall, Roone Arledge Auditorium, 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.law.columbia.edu/events/conversation-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-59 |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.law.com/newyorklawjournal/2018/09/21/ginsburg-discusses-litigation-as-driver-of-policy-change-in-columbia-law-panel/ |
3 | Video | https://www.facebook.com/columbialawschool/ |
Columbia Journalism School
Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, 2950 Broadway, New York, NY 10027
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://twitter.com/columbiajourn/status/1043238347303526400 |
The United States Military Academy
Eisenhower Hall Theatre, 655 Pitcher Road, West Point, NY 10996
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.facebook.com/WestPointUSMA/photos/a.287346011231/10155620585036232/?type=3&theater |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.army.mil/article/211408/justice_ginsburg_visits_west_point_for_zengerle_family_lecture_series |
Lyric Opera of Chicago
University Club of Chicago, 76 E Monroe Street, Chicago, IL 60603
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://twitter.com/LyricOpera/status/1042802374581145600 |
2 | Recap Page | https://twitter.com/LyricOpera/status/1042802374581145600 |
National Asian Pacific American Bar Association and the George Washington University Law School
Lisner Auditorium, 730 21st St NW, Washington, DC 20052
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://napaba.site-ym.com/page/2018_RBG |
2 | Recap Page | https://gwtoday.gwu.edu/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-visits-gw |
3 | Video | https://www.c-span.org/video/?451378-1/justice-ginsburg-discusses-politicization-nomination-confirmation-process-supreme-court |
National Woman's Party
Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument, 144 Constitution Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002
Delaware State Bar Association, Women and the Law Section
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, 400 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.dsba.org/wal95/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.law.com/delawarelawweekly/2018/09/21/ruth-bader-ginsburg-honored-with-honorary-del-membership/ |
Duke University School of Law
Jones Day, 51 Louisiana Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://law.duke.edu/video/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-discusses-2017-18-supreme-court-term/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/06/us/politics/ruth-bader-ginsburg-duke.html |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsXRiKyfKPg |
Committee on House Administration and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration
Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First St NE, Washington, DC 20543
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.hillhappenings.com/list/2018/7/31/intern-lecture-series-supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-hype |
59E59 Theaters
59E59 Theaters, 59 E 59th St, New York, NY 10022
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.theatermania.com/off-broadway/news/ruth-bader-ginsburg-the-originalist-talkback_85470.html |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/29/politics/ruth-bader-ginsburg-scalia-new-york/index.html |
United States Embassy in Israel
United States Embassy in Israel, 14 David Flusser Street, Jerusalem, Israel
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://il.usembassy.gov/u-s-supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-ginsburg-compares-exclusion-of-women-in-israel-to-separate-but-equal-1.6247002 |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Piv64_53FY |
The Genesis Prize Foundation and Jerusalem Cinematheque
Jerusalem Cinematheque, Hebron Rd 11, Jerusalem, Israel
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-israel-justice-ginsburg-bemoans-partisan-divide-in-us-congress/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.jta.org/2018/07/05/news-opinion/in-jerusalem-ruth-bader-ginsburg-celebrates-her-commitment-to-tikkun-olam |
The Genesis Prize Foundation
Yitzhak Rabin Center, Chaim Levanon St 8, Tel Aviv-Yafo, 61175, Israel
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
John Felice Rome Center at Loyola University Chicago's Rome Center Campus, Via Massimi, 114-A, 00136 Rome, Italy
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.luc.edu/media/lucedu/law/studyabroad/pdfs/BROCHURE_Rome.pdf |
2 | Registration Info | The enrollment deadline passed on April 2, 2018. |
Justice Stephen Breyer, Justice Elena Kagan, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Shakespeare Theatre Company
Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F Street NW, Washington, DC 20004
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.shakespearetheatre.org/support/special-events/mock-trial/ |
2 | Registration Info | Sold out, but please email STCBox@ShakespeareTheatre.org to be added to the waitlist. |
Chief Justice John G. Roberts and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Saratoga Springs City Center, 522 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.saratogian.com/article/ST/20180615/NEWS/180619865 |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.saratogian.com/article/ST/20180615/NEWS/180619865 |
New York City Bar Association
New York City Bar Association, 42 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://services.nycbar.org/iMIS/Events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=RBG052218 |
Chief Justice John G. Roberts and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The American Law Institute
The Ritz-Carlton, Washington DC, 1150 22nd St NW Washington, DC 2003
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.ali.org/news/articles/ruth-bader-ginsburg-receive-american-law-institutes-friendly-medal/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.scotusblog.com/2018/05/justice-ginsburg-receives-friendly-medal-from-american-law-institute/ |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tis7e01A3jM |
Federal Judges Association
Washington Marriott Georgetown, 1221 22nd St NW, Washington, DC 20037
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.federaljudgesassoc.org/egov/documents/1515445201_56214.pdf |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.law.com/nationallawjournal/2018/05/18/ruth-bader-ginsburg-expresses-support-for-new-law-clerk-hiring-plan/ |
International Association of Women Judges
Hilton Buenos Aires, AV Macacha Guemes 351 Buenos Aires, C1106BKG Argentina
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://iawjbiennial2018.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/v.f.-Agenda-IAWJ-14th-Biennial-Conference.pdf |
New-York Historical Society and Immigrant Justice Corps
New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024
Georgetown University Law Center
Hart Auditorium, Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001
Hat Tip
Tony Mauro
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.law.georgetown.edu/news/press-releases/Justice-Ruth-Bader-Ginsburg-Inaugurates-Annual-Lecture-Series-at-Georgetown-Law.cfm |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.law.georgetown.edu/news/web-stories/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-inaugurates-annual-lecture-series.cfm |
3 | Registration Info | Space is limited. To secure admission, media must RSVP to mediarelations@law.georgetown.edu. |
4 | Video | https://www.c-span.org/video/?443581-1/justice-ginsburg-discusses-biography-law-professors |
Pro Bono Institute
National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.probonoinst.org/about-us/awards/esther-f-lardent-hall-of-fame-for-excellence-in-pro-bono-award/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.probonoinst.org/events/2018-pbi-annual-conference/ |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuSV5hkFWtY |
University of Pennsylvania Law School
Golkin Hall, Michael A. Fitts Auditorium, 3501 Sansom Street Philadelphia, PA 19104
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#!event_id/56609/view/event |
2 | Recap Page | https://penncurrent.upenn.edu/features/justice-ginsburg-talks-hope-the-death-penalty-and-the-future-of-women-s-rights |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtAMV1ok5zk |
University of Pennsylvania Law School
National Constitution Center, 525 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19106
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#!event_id/55434/view/event |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/02/ruth-bader-ginsburg-opens-up-about-metoo-voting-rights-and-millenials/553409/ |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjSY1GANkAg |
Columbia University
Columbia University, 622 West 113th Street, New York, NY 10025
Hat Tip
Lisa Tong
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://alumni.columbia.edu/sheopenedthedoor |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/11/politics/ruth-bader-ginsburg-me-too-poppy-harlow/index.html |
3 | Registration Info | Sign up for early registration here: https://columbiaalumni.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4PCYBeu0wVAXwZ7 |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQHxxnThDxg |
New York Law School
New York Law School, 185 West Broadway, New York, NY 10013
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.law.com/newyorklawjournal/sites/newyorklawjournal/2018/01/05/ruth-bader-ginsburg-to-speak-at-new-york-law-school/?slreturn=20180005230324 |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.nyls.edu/news-and-events/nyls-news/conversation-professor-nadine-strossen-supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-reflects-life-legacy/ |
3 | Registration Info | This event is invitation-only. |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlos5dd3Po8 |
NYU Law Center for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging
NYU Law, 40 Washington Square S, New York, NY 10012
Adas Israel Congregation and The Forward
Adas Israel Congregation, 2850 Quebec St NW, Washington, DC 20008
Hat Tip
Gabe Roth
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://forward.com/culture/391971/ruth-bader-ginsburg-and-jane-eisner-in-conversation-everything-you-need-to/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2018/02/02/carrying-an-i-dissent-tote-bag-on-stage-ruth-bader-ginsburg-tells-d-c-crowd-shes-still-going-full-steam/?utm_term=.8c6c12dc54e0 |
3 | Registration Info | The event is sold out, but a livestream will be available here: http://adasisrael.org/rbglive/ |
4 | Transcript | https://forward.com/opinion/393687/jane-eisner-interviews-ruth-bader-ginsburg-transcript/ |
5 | Video | http://adasisrael.org/rbglive/ |
Roger Williams University School of Law
Roger Williams University School of Law, 10 Metacom Ave, Bristol, RI 02809
Hat Tip
Gabe Roth
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.rwu.edu/events/fireside-chat-us-supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.providencejournal.com/news/20180130/justice-ginsburg-in-ri-remarks-fierce-partisanship-will-not-last-forever |
3 | Registration Info | Event will be open to RWU students and faculty only. |
Temple Beth-El
Temple Beth-El, 70 Orchard Ave, Providence, RI 02906
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.temple-beth-el.org/~templebe/images/Ruth_Bader_Ginsburg_Flier.jpg |
2 | Recap Page | http://ripr.org/post/justice-ginsburg-wows-crowd-temple-beth-el |
3 | Registration Info | Open to members only. |
Sundance Film Festival
Cinema Cafe, Filmmaker Lodge, 550 Main Street, Park City, UT 82930
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.sundance.org/schedule?date=2018-01-21#%2F%2F=;show=T9227 |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.cnn.com/2018/01/21/politics/ruth-bader-ginsburg-sundance-film-festival/index.html |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDXxsRB4s7Y |
Georgetown University Law Center
Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.law.georgetown.edu/news/web-stories/georgetown-law-week-one.cfm |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.law.georgetown.edu/news/web-stories/georgetown-law-week-one.cfm |
College of Labor and Employment Lawyers
Washington Hilton, 1919 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://twitter.com/pagnattaro/status/929751059806982146 |
2 | Recap Page | https://twitter.com/DWGarland/status/929456797076910080 |
Equal Justice Works
Crystal Gateway Marriott, 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.equaljusticeworks.org/law-school/conference-and-careerfair/schedule |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.scotusblog.com/2017/10/marshall-according-ginsburg/ |
3 | Video | https://www.c-span.org/video/?436398-1/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-discusses-social-justice |
Justice Anthony Kennedy, Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Elena Kagan, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Dwight D. Opperman Foundation
Thurgood Marshall Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.oppermanfoundation.org/devitt-award |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/judge-ralph-k-winter-awarded-highest-honor-presented-to-the-american-judiciary-300528059.html |
Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Elena Kagan, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.ca2.uscourts.gov/125th_Anniversary/125th_home.html# |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.law.columbia.edu/news/2017/10/second-circuit-anniversary-celebration |
92nd Street Y
Kaufmann Concert Hall, 1395 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10128
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.92y.org/event/ruth-bader-ginsburg |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ruth-bader-ginsburg-charlie-rose-interview/ |
3 | Registration Info | Tickets have sold out, but the waitlist is here: https://www.92y.org/event/ruth-bader-ginsburg |
4 | Video | https://livestream.com/accounts/1249127/events/7720366/videos/163404670 |
Montclair State University
Alexander Kasser Theater, Montclair State University, 1 Normal Ave, Montclair, NJ 07043
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://themontclarion.org/supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-visit-montclair-state/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.northjersey.com/story/news/education/2017/09/23/ruth-bader-ginsburg-comes-msu-shakespeare/690585001/ |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7C4braphz8 |
Georgetown Law School
Hart Auditorium, McDonough Hall, Georgetown Law School, 600 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20001
Sixth & I
Sixth & I, 600 I St NW, Washington, DC 20001
Howard University School of Law
Houston Hall, Howard University School of Law, 2900 Van Ness St NW, Washington, DC 20008
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://calendar.howard.edu/event/singing-new-american-pauli-murray%E2%80%99s-legacy-and-justice-21st-century |
2 | Recap Page | https://twitter.com/danielleholley/status/908830181372067841 |
The Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University
The Auditorium Theatre, 50 E Congress Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60605
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://americandreamconference.com/program/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-over-the-long-haul-i-have-had-it-all/ |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92FIUMU37Qg |
Cedille Records
Venue SIX10 at the Spertus Institute, 610 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60605
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.cedillerecords.org/soiree-cedille-2017 |
The Santa Fe Opera and The Lensic
Lensic Performing Arts Center, 211 W San Francisco St, Santa Fe, NM 87501
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://tickets.ticketssantafe.org/single/EventDetail.aspx?p=4411 |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/where-arias-and-justice-meet/article_10890931-25b6-56c7-9e03-63f171310020.html |
The Glimmerglass Festival
The Glimmerglass Festival, 7300 NY-80, Cooperstown, NY 13326
Hat Tip
Gideon Kennedy
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://glimmerglass.org/event/other-events/scaliaginsburg/?eID=2993 |
Aspen Institute
Greenwald Pavilion, 1000 North Third Street, Aspen, CO
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.aspeninstitute.org/events/justiceruthbaderginsburg/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.aspentimes.com/news/justice-ginsburg-opens-up-about-working-with-antonin-scalia-at-aspen-event/ |
3 | Registration Info | Tickets go on sale July 18 at www.aspenshowtix.com. |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwfTb8E8MD4 |
Aspen Institute
McNulty Room, Doerr-Hosier Center, 845 Meadows Rd, Aspen, CO 81611
Hat Tip
Gideon Kennedy
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://agln.aspeninstitute.org/resnickaspenactionforum |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.aspeninstitute.org/blog-posts/ruth-bader-ginsburg-talks-past-future-resnick-aspen-action-forum/ |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gupceeaDE3s |
Utah State Bar
Sun Valley, 1 Sun Valley Rd, Sun Valley, ID 83353
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://summerconvention.utahbar.org/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.sltrib.com/home/5563315-155/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-aka |
3 | Registration Info | Open to Utah State Bar members only. |
Washington Council of Lawyers
Cloyd Heck Marvin Center at George Washington University, 800 21st St NW, Washington, DC 20052
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://wclawyers.org/summer-forum-rbg/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://gwtoday.gwu.edu/ruth-bader-ginsburg-%E2%80%98we-are-far-perfection%E2%80%99 |
3 | Registration Info | Join the waitlist at this link: https://wclawyers.wildapricot.org/event-2474716 |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGNPBT4wS4c |
Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater
Kreeger Theater, 1101 6th St SW, Washington, DC 20024
Hat Tip
Brent Kendall
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.arenastage.org/shows-tickets/the-season/productions/the-originalist/ |
Duke Law D.C. Summer Institute on Law and Policy
Washington, DC
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Recap Page | https://law.duke.edu/news/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-discusses-courts-2016-17-term-and-previews-upcoming-cases-prof-neil/ |
2 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwajPCc4KHw |
World Justice Project
World Forum Convention Center, Churchillplein 10, 2517 JW Den Haag, Netherlands
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://worldjusticeproject.org/our-work/engagement/events/world-justice-forum/world-justice-forum-v/wjforum-v-day-1 |
2 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IypJDJLtXzI |
The Consortium for Innovative Legal Education
Valletta, Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.stcl.edu/academics/foreign-programs/summer/valletta-malta/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.stcl.edu/news/law-students-enjoy-once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity-to-learn-from-us-supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg/ |
3 | Registration Info | http://www.stcl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Malta-Application-Ginsburg.pdf |
Cornell Club of Washington
Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First Street NE Washington, DC 20543
Hat Tip
Robert Barnes
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://cornellclubdc.org/event-2499964 |
2 | Registration Info | Waitlist here: https://cornellclubdc.org/event-2499964 |
Law Library of Congress
Thomas Jefferson Building, 10 First Street, S.E., Washington, D.C..
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.loc.gov/item/prn-17-075/merchant-of-venice-gets-a-sequel/2017-05-24/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://dcmetrotheaterarts.com/2017/06/23/report-justice-shylock-library-congress/ |
3 | Registration Info | Tickets are sold out, but the event will be livestreamed here: https://www.youtube.com/user/LibraryOfCongress |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljFaVJ6RNpE |
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Stephen Breyer
The Shakespeare Theatre Company Bard Association
Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F Street NW, Washington DC 20004
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.shakespearetheatre.org/support/special-events/mock-trial/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.scotusblog.com/2017/06/full-sound-covfefe-trial-weird-sisters/ |
The Aspen Institute
Wye River Campus, River House, 600 Aspen Dr, Queenstown, MD 21658
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.aspeninstitute.org/events/aspen-wye-fellows-discussion-ruth-bader-ginsburg-associate-justice-us-supreme-court/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.stardem.com/spotlight/article_2cc3b76f-d75d-54b2-ab93-f97f77a96b2e.html |
3 | Registration Info | Event is by invitation only. |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuJOuSj9454 |
The American Law Institute 94th Annual Meeting
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, 1150 22nd Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.ali.org/annual-meeting-2017/agenda/ |
2 | Registration Info | ALI members may register in late February. |
3 | Video | https://vimeo.com/223820600 |
Burton Awards
Library of Congress, 10 First Street, S.E., Washington, D.C.
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.burtonawards.com/news-2017-law-firm-winners.html |
New York City Bar Association
New York City Bar Association, 42 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://services.nycbar.org/iMIS/Events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=RBG050817&WebsiteKey=f71e12f3-524e-4f8c-a5f7-0d16ce7b3314 |
2 | Transcript | http://documents.nycbar.org/files/justice_ginsburg_introduction_remarks_may_8_2017.pdf |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43ny2etwdMI |
The Supreme Court Historical Society and the Women's Bar Association for the District of Columbia
Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20543
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://supremecourthistory.org/events/fcj/ |
2 | Registration Info | Tickets have sold out, but the waitlist is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxpVLB8_ZPf5eF6DdIDwcBq3y7r4pA5eap0QSAFLSrw3OzWA/viewform?c=0&w=1&fbzx=5822798263871561000 |
Georgetown University Department of Government
Gaston Hall, 37th & O Street, NW Washington, DC 20057
Hat Tip
Tony Mauro
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Recap Page | http://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/330981-ginsburg-pines-for-more-collegial-court-confirmations |
2 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0H4GZ7V0oLI |
Allegheny College
The National Press Club, 529 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20045
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://sites.allegheny.edu/civilityaward/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.scotusblog.com/2017/04/day-successor-takes-seat-justice-scalia-posthumously-awarded-prize-civility-along-justice-ginsburg/ |
3 | Registration Info | Allegheny College will broadcast the ceremony live online. |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-SLfnEOSek |
Library of Congress
Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20540
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=7822&loclr=eanw |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=7822&loclr=eanw |
3 | Transcript | http://stream-media.loc.gov/webcasts/captions/2017/170316yrc1030.txt |
4 | Video | http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=7822&loclr=eanw |
Washington National Opera
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Opera House, 2700 F St NW, Washington, DC 20566
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://web.kennedy-center.org/~/media/Files/KC/Press%20Releases/2016%20March/PressReleaseWashingtonNationalOperaAnnounces20162017Season |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.scotusblog.com/2017/03/ginsburg-shares-stage-performers-opera-meets-legal-themes/ |
The Newseum, the Supreme Court Fellows Alumni Association, and the Freedom Forum
Lisner Auditorium at The George Washington University, 730 21st St NW Washington, DC 20052
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.newseum.org/event/my-own-words-the-honorable-ruth-bader-ginsburg/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/23/politics/ruth-bader-ginsburg-america-great/ |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItOl7B_DED4 |
Mililani High School and the Hawai'i State Supreme Court
Mililani High School, 95-1200 Meheula Pkwy, Mililani, HI 96789
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.hawaii.edu/news/article.php?aId=8394 |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.civilbeat.org/2017/02/ruth-bader-ginsburg-anti-immigrant-sentiment-disheartening/ |
University of Hawai'i Manoa
University of Hawai'i William S. Richardson School of Law, 2515 Dole St, Honolulu, HI 96822
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.hawaii.edu/news/article.php?aId=8394 |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.hawaii.edu/news/2017/02/09/supreme-court-associate-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-shares-decades-of-wisdom-with-uh-law-students/ |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z086isOXMBs |
Stanford University Office for Religious Life
Stanford Memorial Church, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305
Hat Tip
Jessica Gresko
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://news.stanford.edu/2016/11/03/ruth-bader-ginsburg-deliver-stanford-lecture-meaningful-life/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://news.stanford.edu/2017/02/06/supreme-court-associate-justice-ginsburg-talks-meaningful-life/ |
3 | Registration Info | A ticket lottery will be available to Stanford ID holders during the winter quarter. |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83XnwyWg_q8 |
Washington and Lee University
Washington and Lee University, 204 W Washington Street, Lexington, VA 24450
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://columns.wlu.edu/justice-ginsburg-to-speak-at-vmi-wl-feb-1/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://columns.wlu.edu/wl-vmi-host-supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg/ |
Virginia Military Institute
Cameron Hall, Virginia Military Institute, 401 N Main St, Lexington, VA 24450
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.vmi.edu/news/headlines/2016-2017/justice-ginsburg-to-speak-at-vmi-feb-1.php |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.richmond.com/news/national-world/ap/article_a83220e8-1f67-5872-a737-6a5c4aff8eb3.html |
3 | Registration Info | Seats for the VMI interview are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZXRk6TlSvg |
Sustained Dialogue Institute
National Press Club, 529 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20045
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://sustaineddialogue.org/event/national-dialogue-awards/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.thegeorgetowndish.com/thedish/ovations-justice-ginsburg |
3 | Registration Info | Buy tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2016-national-dialogue-awards-tickets-26924020470 |
Jewish Federations of North America
The Washington Hilton, 1919 Connecticut Ave, Washington, DC 20009
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://fedweb-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/fed-42/531/GA_2016_Schedule.pdf |
2 | Registration Info | Register for the General Assembly here: https://www.wynjade.com/jewishfederations16/ga/links.cfm?link=register |
Washington National Opera
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Opera House, 2700 F St NW, Washington, DC 20566
Hat Tip
Adam Liptak
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/event/OROSB |
2 | Registration Info | Purchase tickets here: http://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/event/OROSB |
Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Thurgood Marshall Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007
Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
New York City Bar Association
New York City Bar Association, 42 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036
The Newseum and O'Melveny & Myers
The Newseum, 555 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20001
# | Resource | Link or Information |
The Temple Emanu-El Skirball Center
The Temple Emanu-El, 1 East 65th St, New York, NY 10065
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://emanuelskirballnyc.org/events/supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://nymag.com/thecut/2016/09/ruth-bader-ginsburg-can-probably-do-more-push-ups-than-you.html |
3 | Registration Info | Waitlist tickets available here: https://emanuelskirballnyc.ticketleap.com/supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg/dates/Sep-21-2016_at_0700PM |
Fordham University School of Law
Fordham University School of Law, 150 West 62nd Street, New York, NY 10023
Hat Tip
Adam Liptak
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Recap Page | http://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2016/09/21/notorious-rbg-speaks-to-students-at-fordham-law-school-about-her-time-on-the-supreme-court.html |
Association of Corporate Counsel
The Ritz-Carlton, Tysons Corner, 1700 Tysons Boulevard, McLean, VA 22102
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.acc.com/aboutacc/newsroom/pressreleases/ncr-justiceginsburg.cfm |
2 | Registration Info | Media may request press credentials by emailing davis@acc.com or myers@acc.com |
3 | Video | https://www.c-span.org/video/?414733-1/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-discusses-words |
University of Notre Dame
Purcell Pavilion, 113 Joyce Center, Notre Dame, IN 46556
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://president.nd.edu/ginsburg/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://news.nd.edu/news/69664-ruth-bader-ginsburg/ |
3 | Registration Info | Free tickets available at: http://ev12.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventInfo?ticketCode=PR%3AND%3AJ16%3ARBG%3ARBG&linkID=notre-dame&shopperContext=&caller=PR&appCode=&prc=RBG&ppc=RBG |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J03PDamtokM |
Cedille Chicago
Venue SIX10, 610 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60605
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://shiakapos.com/ruth-bader-ginsburg-taking-the-stage-for-chicago-nonprofit/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.facebook.com/CedilleRecords/posts/10153969453025292 |
Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Catholic Lawyers Guild of Chicago, Lawyers Club of Chicago
Philip H. Corboy Law Center, 25 East Pearson Street, Chicago, IL 60611
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.luc.edu/law/scaliatribute/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://blogs.luc.edu/luclawadmissions/2016/09/13/ginsburg-reflects-on-scalia-at-chicago-tribute/ |
Georgetown University Law Center
Hart Auditorium, McDonough Hall, 600 New Jersey Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.law.georgetown.edu/news/press-releases/distinguished-lecturer-to-the-incoming-class-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg.cfm |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/courts_law/ginsburg-suggests-senate-should-act-on-garland-nomination-but-says-it-cannot-be-forced-to/2016/09/07/0f10b7b6-754c-11e6-b786-19d0cb1ed06c_story.html |
3 | Registration Info | Media may RSVP to mediarelations@law.georgetown.edu. |
4 | Video | https://www.c-span.org/video/?414875-1/supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-delivers-remarks-georgetown-law |
Glimmerglass Festival
Alice Busch Opera Theater, 18 Chestnut Street, Cooperstown, NY 13326
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://glimmerglass.org/festival/2016-mainstage/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg/ |
2 | Registration Info | Tickets are on sale here: https://glimmerglass.secure.force.com/ticket#sections_a0Fd000000dWsA7EAK |
State Bar of New Mexico
Buffalo Thunder Resort, 30 Buffalo Thunder Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87506
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.nmbar.org/NmbarDocs/CLE/AM/AM2016-Schedule.pdf |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/ginsburg-pays-tribute-to-scalia/article_3ed63238-3a91-5f61-9096-4702397a63e6.html |
3 | Registration Info | On-site registration available for NM bar members. |
Duke Law School D.C. Summer Institute on Law & Policy
Jones Day, 51 Louisiana Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Recap Page | http://www.nationallawjournal.com/id=1202764460311/Justice-Ginsburg-Stays-Out-of-Trouble-in-Talk-With-Students?slreturn=20160716125842 |
2 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ebapaBtXH8 |
Compagnia de’ Colombari and Ca’Foscari University of Venice
Campo di Ghetto Nuovo, Campo di Ghetto Nuovo, 30121 Venezia, Italy
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.themerchantinvenice.org/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/28/theater/ruth-bader-ginsburg-rbg-venice-merchant-of-venice.html?_r=0 |
Justice Samuel Alito, Justice John Paul Stevens, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
New York University School of Law
Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona, Spain
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.law.nyu.edu/news/barcelona-conference-2016 |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.law.nyu.edu/news/barcelona-conference-2016 |
Castleton Festival
Festival Theatre, 7 Castleton Meadows Lane, Castleton, VA 22716
Hat Tip
Jessica Gresko
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.castletonfestival.org/performance/law-in-opera/ |
2 | Registration Info | Purchase tickets here: http://www.castletonfestival.org/tickets/subscriptions/ |
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Stephen Breyer
Shakespeare Theatre Company Bard Association
Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F Street NW, Washington DC 20004
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.shakespearetheatre.org/support/special-events/mock-trial/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://blogs.wsj.com/law/2016/06/22/alls-well-thats-orwell-justices-ginsburg-and-breyer-put-big-brother-on-trial/ |
3 | Registration Info | Join the waitlist by emailing MockTrial@ShakespeareTheatre.org or calling Moriah Lemming at 202.547.3230 ext. 2330 |
4 | Video | https://www.c-span.org/video/?411385-1/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-presides-1984-mock-trial |
Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Smithsonian National Museum of American History and the Supreme Court Historical Society
Smithsonian National Museum of American History, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, D.C., 20001
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://americanhistory.si.edu/topics/food-history |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.scotusblog.com/2016/06/ginsburg-and-sotomayor-talk-food-at-the-court/ |
3 | Video | https://www.c-span.org/video/?410429-1/justices-ruth-bader-ginsburg-sonia-sotomayor-discuss-supreme-courts-food-traditions |
Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
International Association of Women Judges
Omni Shoreham Hotel, 2500 Calvert Street NW, Washington DC 20008
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.iawj.org/2016_IAWJ_Biennial_Program_Book.pdf |
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Saratoga Springs, New York
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Stephen Breyer
The Burton Awards
Great Hall, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20540
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://burtonawards.com/2016event.html |
2 | Recap Page | http://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/24/politics/stephen-breyer-eight-person-supreme-court/index.html |
Georgetown Law Journal
Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Avenue NW Washington, DC 20001
Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First Street NE, Washington DC 20543
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://naamat.org/supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-receives-naamat-usas-golda-meir-humanitarian-award/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://naamat.org/supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-receives-naamat-usas-golda-meir-humanitarian-award/ |
American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative
United States Supreme Court, 1 First Street NE, Washington DC 20543
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.americanbar.org/advocacy/rule_of_law/newsroom_events/general_news/news-staff-director-learning-and-leadership-0316.html |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2016/04/justice_ginsburghon.html |
International Center for Research on Women
Residence of the Danish Ambassador, 3200 Whitehaven Street, NW, Washington DC 20008
Hat Tip
Thank you to the reader who sent this in.
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Recap Page | http://www.icrw.org/media/news/icrw-presents-justice-ginsburg-champions-change-award |
American University Washington College of Law
American University Washington College of Law, 4801 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://news.wcl.american.edu/more-news/tenley-campus-ribbon-cutting-ceremony-to-feature-justice-ginsburg/ |
2 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVyF0IFynV8 |
New York City Bar Association
New York City Bar Association, 42 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://services.nycbar.org/iMIS/Events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=RBG020816 |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.nycbar.org/media-listing/media/detail/the-2016-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-distinguished-lecture-on-women-and-the-law-by-brooksley-born |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1vxumEUCiU |
European University Institute
Badia Fiesolana, Via Roccettini, 50014 Fiesole FI, Italy
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.eui.eu/SeminarsAndEvents/Events/2016/February/NotoriousRBGAconversationwithUSSupremeCourtJusticeRuthBaderGinsburg.aspx |
2 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRqe43iwhbw |
Brandeis University
Brandeis University, 415 South St, Waltham, MA 02453
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.brandeis.edu/ldb-100/events/index.html |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/01/28/ruth-bader-ginsburg-brandeis-university-lauds-school-namesake-justice/6JU5N9S7feGhjFlhOPBFtO/story.html |
3 | Registration Info | The event will be livestreamed: http://www.brandeis.edu/streaming/ |
4 | Transcript | http://www.supremecourt.gov/publicinfo/speeches/Lessons%20Learned%20From%20Brandeis%20January%202016.pdf |
5 | Video | http://www.brandeis.edu/streaming/ |
New-York Historical Society
New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West New York, NY 10024
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.nyhseducationdb.org/application_direct.aspx?eid=199711 |
2 | Registration Info | Register on the event page: https://www.nyhseducationdb.org/application_direct.aspx?eid=199690 |
Council on Foreign Relations
Council on Foreign Relations, 1777 F St NW #100, Washington, DC 20006
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.cfr.org/about/meetings/?groupby=0&filter=2015+12 |
Mandarin Oriental, Washington DC, 1330 Maryland Avenue Southwest, Washington, DC 20024
The American Inns of Court
United States Supreme Court, 1 First St NE, Washington, DC 20543
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://home.innsofcourt.org/for-leaders/events/celebration-of-excellence.aspx |
2 | Registration Info | The event is sold out but there is a currently active waitlist. |
Roosevelt Institute
St. James Church, 865 Madison Avenue, New York, NY
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.fourfreedomsawards.org/ |
2 | Registration Info | Tickets available here: https://www.classy.org/new-york/events/franklin-d-roosevelt-four-freedoms-awards-ceremony/e53889 |
Cornell Club of Washington DC
Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First St NE, Washington, DC 20543
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.cornellclubdc.org/event-2016426 |
University of Zurich
University of Zurich, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich Switzerland
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.eiz.uzh.ch/weiterbildungen-und-veranstaltungen-des-eiz/veranstaltungsdetails/?tx_seminars_pi1%5BshowUid%5D=143 |
St. John's College
St. John's College Santa Fe, 1160 Camino De Cruz Blanca, Santa Fe, NM 87505
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.sjc.edu/blog/supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-visits-santa-fe-campus/ |
U.S. Department of State Speakers Program
U.S. Consulate General, 4 Lê Duẩn, Bến Nghé, Quận 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Recap Page | http://www.voanews.com/content/us-supreme-court-justice-ginsburh-promotes-equality-vietnam/2919146.html |
U.S. Embassy Seoul
U.S. Embassy Annex, Namyeong-dong, Yongsan-Ku, Seoul, Korea
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://dis.korea.ac.kr/events/embassy-youth-forum-with-associate-justice-ginsburg |
Duke Law Alumni Office
L. Welch Pogue Room, Jones Day, 51 Louisiana Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20001
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://calendar.duke.edu/events/show?fq=id%3ACAL-8a0870ef-4e259316-014e-4570a95b-00002d39demobedework%40mysite.edu |
2 | Registration Info | Tickets are free--register here: https://www.squadup.com/events/a-conversation-with-ruth-bader-ginsburg-associate-justice-of-the-supreme-court-of-the-us |
The Glimmerglass Festival
Alice Busch Opera Theater, 7300 State Highway 80, Cooperstown, New York 11316
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://glimmerglass.org/festival/2015-productions/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg/ |
2 | Registration Info | Single tickets go on sale January 26, 2015. |
Castleton Festival
Festival Theatre, 7 Castleton Meadows Lane, Castleton, VA 22716
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.castletonfestival.org/schedule/event/166 |
2 | Registration Info | Sold Out |
Second Circuit Court of Appeals
New Paltz, New York
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Transcript | http://www.supremecourt.gov/publicinfo/speeches/RBG_Speech_Second_Circuit_Judical_Conference_06_12_15.pdf |
American Constitution Society
Capital Hilton, 1001 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20036
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.acslaw.org/convention/2015?mgs1=209ejMPhOT |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.nationallawjournal.com/legaltimes/id=1202729413008/Ruth-Bader-Ginsburg-Amazed-at-Icon-Status-at-82 |
3 | Registration Info | Register here: https://acslaw.secure.force.com/rsvp?id=a0YG0000007s4qI |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctYY6RivjEQ |
Retired Justice David Souter and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Harvard University
Radcliffe Yard, Harvard University, 10 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2015/01/justice-ginsburg-to-receive-radcliffe-medal/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2015/05/honoring-ruth-bader-ginsburg/ |
3 | Registration Info | The event will be livestreamed here: http://www.radcliffe.harvard.edu/event/radcliffe-day-2015 |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GzhWFhOJV4 |
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Stephen Breyer
Shakespeare Theatre Company Bard Association
Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F Street NW, Washington, DC 20004
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.shakespearetheatre.org/info/support/special-events/mock-trial |
2 | Registration Info | Tickets will be on sale to the general public on March 23: Call 202-608-6309 or email MockTrial@ShakespeareTheatre.org |
OPERA America
Washington Marriott Georgetown, 1221 22nd St NW, Washington, DC 20037
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://operaconf2015.sched.org/event/2dded62a44867c005f4979f44edcdbfd#.VVCSdaTF85F |
2 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nVSIybJti8 |
Retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Elena Kagan, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Seneca Women, Cornell Law School's Avon Center, iCivics, and the Virtue Foundation
National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://senecawomen.com/event/seneca-women-global-leadership-series/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.cbsnews.com/news/women-of-the-supreme-court-honor-sandra-day-oconnor/ |
3 | Registration Info | TBA |
4 | Video | https://www.senecawomen.com/sw-events/2017/6/19/seneca-women-global-leadership-forum |
Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Elena Kagan, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers
National Statuary Hall, U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, DC 20515
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Recap Page | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/18/nancy-pelosi-supreme-court-justices_n_6896886.html |
2 | Video | https://www.c-span.org/video/?324910-1/womens-history-month-reception-justices-kagan-sotomayor-ginsburg |
Eastern District of New York
Brooklyn Federal Court, 225 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn, NY 11201
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | N/A |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ruth-bader-ginsburg-funny-t-shirt-brooklyn-court-article-1.2151495 |
3 | Registration Info | N/A |
Pro Bono Institute
Capital Hilton, 1001 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.probonoinst.org/events/annual-conference/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.probonoinst.org/events/annual-conference/2015-pbi-annual-conference/ |
3 | Transcript | http://www.probonoinst.org/events/annual-conference/2015-pbi-annual-conference/2015-pbi-annual-conference-remarks-from-justice-ginsburg/ |
Justice Antonin Scalia and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The Smithsonian Associates
George Washington University Lisner Auditorium, 730 21st St., NW, Washington, DC
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://smithsonianassociates.org/ticketing/tickets/reserve.aspx?performanceNumber=230541 |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/02/13/386085342/justice-ginsberg-admits-to-being-tipsy-during-state-of-the-union-nap |
3 | Registration Info | Buy tickets here ($35 for members, $45 for non-members): http://smithsonianassociates.org/ticketing/tickets/reserve.aspx?performanceNumber=230541 |
4 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-Gwg8t7j3s |
Law and Ethics Program at the University of Michigan Law School
Hill Auditorium, University of Michigan, 825 N University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.law.umich.edu/newsandinfo/features/Pages/ginsburgtannerlecturepreview_012215.aspx |
2 | Registration Info | For ticket information, see this page. The general public may request tickets starting Feb. 3: http://www.law.umich.edu/events/Pages/ginsburg.aspx |
Georgetown University Law Center
Hart Auditorium, McDonough Hall, 600 New Jersey Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20001
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.law.georgetown.edu/news/press-releases/a-conversation-with-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg.cfm |
New York City Bar Association
New York City Bar Association, 42 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://nyeventslist.com/events/the-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-distinguished-lecture-on-women-and-the-law?format=pdf |
2 | Registration Info | City Bar Members and Non-Members can register here: http://t.co/MreKvP78RU |
Association of American Law Schools
Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, 2660 Woodley Rd NW, Washington DC 20008
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.aals.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/2015brochure.pdf |
2 | Registration Info | https://memberaccess.aals.org/eweb//DynamicPage.aspx?Site=AALS&WebKey=468573ff-9a44-4f5b-8d74-50b7371161d4 |
3 | Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAGPmDr3KuY |
Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
New York County Lawyers Association
The Waldorf Astoria Hotel, 301 Park Ave, New York, NY 10022
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://www.nycla.org/index.cfm?section=Calendar&page=event_Detail&itemID=3655&dateID=20141217 |
The New Republic
Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium, 1301 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20240
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.newrepublic.com/article/119315/president-clinton-keynote-new-republics-centennial-gala |
Cornell in Washington
United States Supreme Court, Washington, DC 20543
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:VsfeR5oY33AJ:ciw.cornell.edu/index.php%3Fid%3D32+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.flickr.com/photos/cornellalumni/15187870413/in/photostream/ |
White House Fellows Foundation
US Chamber of Commerce Building, 1615 H Street NW, Washington DC
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.whff.org/leadershipconference2014/agenda-id=1.php?day=saturday |
New-York Historical Society
The Robert H. Smith Auditorium at the New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.nyhistory.org/programs/evening-justice-ginsburg |
2 | Registration Info | Sold out: http://www.nyhistory.org/programs/evening-justice-ginsburg |
University of California Washington Center
University of California Washington Center, 1608 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20036
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Recap Page | http://online.wsj.com/articles/justice-ginsberg-tells-students-she-pulls-all-nighters-too-1414531058 |
American Inns of Court
Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First St NE, Washington, DC 20543
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://home.innsofcourt.org/for-leaders/events/celebration-of-excellence.aspx |
2 | Registration Info | General registration will open September 2: http://home.innsofcourt.org/for-leaders/events/celebration-of-excellence.aspx |
Arena Stage: The Mead Center for American Theater
Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater, 1101 6th St SW, Washington, DC 20024
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://arenastage.org/shows-tickets/the-season/productions/our-war/ |
2 | Registration Info | Sold out: http://tickets.arenastage.org/single/PSDetail.aspx?psn=18129 |
Aspen Institute
The Aspen Institute, One Dupont Circle, Suite 700, Washington, DC
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.aspeninstitute.org/events/2014/10/23/socrates-program-aspenx |
2 | Registration Info | Register here: https://my.aspeninstitute.org/pages/2014-socrates-program-senate-salon |
Arts for the Aging
Society of the Cincinnati at Anderson House, 2118 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, D.C., 20008
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.aftaarts.org/home/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Lolo-Sarnoff-Award-About.pdf |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.bisnow.com/washington-dc/news/washington-dc-legal/Yesterday-with-Ginsburg-39863 |
92nd Street YMCA
Kaufmann Concert Hall, 92nd Street Y, 1395 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10128
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.92y.org/Event/Supreme-Court-Justice-Ruth-Bader-Ginsburg.aspx? |
2 | Registration Info | Purchase tickets at http://www.92y.org/Event/Supreme-Court-Justice-Ruth-Bader-Ginsburg.aspx? |
Institute for Education
Supreme Court of the United States, Washington, D.C.
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.instituteforeducation.org/2014/07/ife-info-to-host-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-u-s-supreme-court/ |
2 | Registration Info | Invite only |
Cornell University
New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West, New York NY 10024
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://instagram.com/p/tGtaC8GBrk/ |
University of Minnesota Law School
175 Wiley Hall, 225 19th Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN 55455
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.law.umn.edu/cle/14_15lectureseries.html |
2 | Recap Page | http://www.twincities.com/localnews/ci_26547796/justice-ginsburg-shares-her-views-at-u-forum |
3 | Video | http://www.law.umn.edu/cle/14_15lectureseries/media.html |
The Minnesota Chapter of the Federal Bar Association
Windows on Minnesota, IDS Center, 50th Floor, 80 South 8th Street, Minneapolis, MN
The Constitutional Sources Project, The Institute for Constitutional History at the New-York Historical Society, The George Washington University School of Law
Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st Street NW, Washington DC
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/430607/1c1f2f836e/473450337/da75c70b1e/ |
2 | Recap Page | http://fora.tv/2014/09/12/A_Conversation_with_Justice_Ruth_Bader_Ginsburg |
3 | Registration Info | RSVP to ConDay2014@consource.org |
International Women's Health Coalition
The Pierre, 2 East 61st Street, New York, NY
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | https://iwhc.org/event/iwhc-30th-anniversary-celebration/ |
2 | Registration Info | RSVP at the above link |
Chicago Bar Association
The Standard Club, 320 S Plymouth Ct, Chicago, IL 60604
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://www.chicagobar.org/am/news/default.aspx?id=388-us-supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-association-luncheon--september-8 |
2 | Registration Info | Reservation information available at http://www.chicagobar.org/am/news/default.aspx?id=388-us-supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-association-luncheon--september-8 |
Cedille Records
The Chicago Cultural Center, Claudia Cassidy Theater, 77 E. Randolph Street, Chicago, IL 60601
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://cedillerecords.org/music/product_Soiree_Night2014.php?&products_id=1398 |
Women's International Study Center
Drury Plaza Hotel, Santa Fe, NM
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://wisc-amh.org/symposia/view/2-risk-reinvention-how-women-are-changing-the-world |
2 | Registration Info | Sold Out: http://wisc-amh.org/symposia/register/2-risk-reinvention-how-women-are-changing-the-world |
Duke Law D.C. Summer Institute
National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, Washington, DC, 20045
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://law.duke.edu/events/conversation-ruth-bader-ginsburg-associate-justice-supreme-court-us-washington-dc/ |
2 | Recap Page | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQoxTxwNbsM (courtesy of Duke Law) |
3 | Registration Info | Duke Law alumni encouraged to attend. Priority registration will be offered to donors to Duke Law School: http://law.duke.edu/events/conversation-ruth-bader-ginsburg-associate-justice-supreme-court-us-washington-dc/ |
Glimmerglass Festival 2014
Alice Busch Opera Theater, 7300 State Highway 80, Cooperstown, NY 13326
# | Resource | Link or Information |
1 | Event Page | http://glimmerglass.org/festival/2014-special-events/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg/ |
2 | Registration Info | Tickets here: https://glimmerglass.secure.force.com/ticket/#sections_a0Fd000000Q2oI7EAJ |